Acadia Waste Reports

Acadia measures the waste generated on campus each year. Waste disposal statistics for Acadia are calculated over the fiscal year from April 1 to March 31. Most waste streams are included in the data below. Some streams, such as hazardous waste (e.g. laboratory chemicals), construction waste and batteries are measured separately.

Waste diversion rate is one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) in a successful recycling program; it represents the amount of waste that is diverted from landfill for recycling.

2018/2019 Acadia Waste Summary Report

The 2018/2019 diversion rate for Acadia is 65%.

Waste Weight by Stream

Waste Profile by Percentage

2017/2018 Acadia Waste Summary Report

The 2017/2018 diversion rate for Acadia is 68%.

Waste Weight by Stream

Waste Profile