President's Panel on Oceans & Life Below Water: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development
Acadia University is pleased to present the President's Panel on Oceans & Life Below Water: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development, a showcase of Acadia research from the Faculties of Arts, Professional Studies, and Pure and Applied Science with a focus on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) #14 Oceans & Life Below Water.
The institution became the first university in Canada to sign the international Sustainable Development Goals Accord in 2021. This commitment involves aligning all major efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals through our education, research, leadership, operational and engagement activities.
To help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, each year until 2030 Acadia will choose an annual theme from among the 17 goals to focus the attention of the campus and community on the SDGs and the role of universities in advancing sustainable development. The 2022/2023 theme is Goal #14: Oceans & Life Below Water. The President's Panel highlights the important research happening at Acadia in support of this goal.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday March 7th, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Location: K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre Auditorium
Moderator: Dr. Peter Ricketts, Acadia President and Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Peter J. Ricketts was appointed Acadia’s 16th President and Vice-Chancellor in April 2017, beginning his six-year term in July 2017. Born in Harrogate, Yorkshire and raised in Bournemouth on the south coast of England, Dr. Ricketts earned his BA (Honours) degree in Geography at the University of Nottingham in 1974 and his PhD from the University of Southampton in 1982. He is internationally-recognized for his expertise in coastal zones and ocean management.
Faculty of Arts
Katherine Morton Richards, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Presentation Title: Indigenous Species Management, Stewardship, and Reconciliation: Lessons from East Coast Fisheries
Short Abstract: Both historically and in the present day, Indigenous fisheries management is often ignored or misunderstood by settler colonial Canada. Reconciliation is not only a process much needed within land-based industries, institutions, and networks. By examining traditional Indigenous fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador and in Nova Scotia, this research unpacks the points of intersection between Indigenous species management, contemporary challenges in sustainability, and the role of colonialism.
Faculty of Professional Studies
Ryan MacNeil, PhD, EcD (he/him)
Associate Professor, Rath Professor of Entrepreneurship
F.C. Manning School of Business
Presentation Title: Instrumental innovation: Advancing SDG 14A in Nova Scotia
Short Abstract: What counts as ‘good’ innovation? My study of ocean science technologies in Nova Scotia examines the neoliberal market biases that are embedded in our ideas about innovation. I will share two examples that challenge common perceptions about how we can best achieve SDG 14.A: “increase scientific knowledge, research, and technology for ocean health.”
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Mike Stokesbury, Ph.D (he/him)
Department of Biology
Presentation Title: Stock structure and migration of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Short Abstract: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna support lucrative commercial fisheries and are also highly valued as a sport fish. This talk details how electronic tagging technology has enabled researchers to determine bluefin stock structure and oceanic scale migrations.
Panel discussion to follow.
This inaugural event is a part of the first national Sustainable Development Goals Week held across Canada at participating colleges and universities from March 6th-10th, 2023. SDG Week Canada is sponsored by SDSN Canada in partnership with the Sustainability Hub at UBC, and Colleges and Institutes Canada.
The event is coordinated by the Acadia President's Office, the Sustainability Office and the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Students Society. The event is open to the public.
Contact for more information. Learn more about Acadia's SDG Initiatives.