Fair Trade Campus Week 2017
Join us for a celebration of Fair Trade at Acadia during Fair Trade Week. Events are planned for the Acadia Students Union, The Acadia Community Farm, Wheelock Dining Hall and retail locations in partnership with Chartwells.
Schedule of Events
All Week
Look for Just Us! hot chocolate pop up and fair trade information booths across campus throughout the week courtesy of Chartwells. Plus enjoy fair trade baked goods at all retail locations.
Stop by the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre Café for 10% off all items made with fair trade ingredients. Bring your mug and receive 25% off Hacha Java coffee.
Monday September 25th
All day at Perkins'
Enjoy a FREE fair trade coffee with reusable mug. Need a mug? Pick one up at Cajun's for 20% off the regular price.
2:30 p.m - 3:30 p.m. Fair Trade Week Launch and Official Announcement
Location: Student Union Building
The Acadia Sustainability Office and the Acadia Students’ Union invite you to join Dr. Peter Ricketts, President and Vice-Chancellor of Acadia University, and Grace-Hamilton-Burge, President of the Acadia Students’ Union, to the launch of Fair Trade Week and an official announcement regarding a new campus initiative in partnership with the Canadian Fair Trade Network, Fairtrade Canada, and the Association Quebecoise du commerce Equitable. Plus enjoy free coffee, treats and live music courtesy of the ASU.
Wednesday September 28th
All day: Fair Trade Bake Sale
Stop by the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre Café and Chartwells retail locations in Huggins, the BAC, and the Athletic Complex for delicious baked goods made with fair trade ingredients.
Friday September 29th
Time: 4:30pm Open Mic @ the Farm with Just Us!
Location: Acadia Community Farm
Join us at the Acadia Community Farm for a live music fundraiser sponsored by Just Us! Coffee Roasters.